Badami Temple Cave 4: A Jain Cave Temple dedicated to Mahavir

Badami Temple Cave 4: A Jain cave temple dedicated to Mahavir

Cave 4 is the smallest of the four rock-cut caves. Historians believe that it was built in the early 7th century CE. Unlike the other three caves, which are Hindu temples, Cave 4 is a Jain temple and is a testament to the peaceful co-existence of different religions in ancient India.
The garbhagriha houses a sculpture believed to be of Mahavir, the 24th Tirthankar, seated on a lion’s throne. The sculptural reliefs of Tirthankars and the other Jain figures adorn the pillars and sidewalls of the halls.

Badami Temple Cave 4: Mahavir

Mahavir, seated majestically on a lion throne carved on the back wall of the Cave 4. Mahavir is sitting under a chaitya vriksha (holy tree) with the Paryankasana posture (lotus-like pose with upward-facing palms placed on top of each other). He has a prabhamandala (circle of light or halo) around his head and a mukkode (three umbrellas stacked one above the other) above the prabhamandala. Flanking him are two chamaradharas (male chamara bearers),
and above them are two Vidyadhara couples performing pushpadhaare (offering of flowers).

Note: Tirth means a ford or shallow crossing of a river or stream. Tirthankar means ford maker. Tirthankar is an extraordinary person who understood the true meaning of Sansar (continuous cycle of life, death, and rebirth) and obtained Keval Jnana (Omniscience). He is a teacher who builds a ford for others to follow the path from Sansar to Moksh (liberation from Sansar).

Badami Temple Cave 4: Adinath- The first Tirthankara

Life-size sculptural relief depicting Adinath, the first of the 24 Tirthankaras of Jainism, carved on the left sidewall of Cave 4. 12 Tirthankaras are depicted on either side.

Adinath is a Digambar and stands with the Kayotsarga pose, which means giving up body movements and comfort. He has long hair flowing on his shoulder.

Badami Temple Cave 4: Parshvanath

Parshvanath the 23rd Tirthankara of Jainism, carved on the interior walls of Cave 4. Parshvanatha is the successor of Neminath and the predecessor of Mahavir. Born in the holy city of Varanasi, Parshvanath lived around 877 BCE and attained Moksha on Mount Summet in the present-day Madhuban in the state of Jharkhand, India.

Parshvanath is depicted as a Digambar with the Kayotsarga posture, i.e., meditating while standing. Notice the beautifully carved five-headed naga above his head. This is one of the features that identify Parshvanath.

Badami Temple Cave 4: Bahubali

A life-size sculptural relief depicting Bahubali carved on the interior walls of
Cave 4.

Bahubali is one of the 100 sons of Adinath (Rishabhanath). Bharat was the eldest, but Bahubali challenged him for the throne. Although Bahubali defeated his brother in three non-violent games, he relinquished everything in disgust
and lived like an ascetic. He meditated by standing up naked for 12 years to attain Moksha. Because he was motionless, vines grew on him, which is the reason why the standard iconography of Bahubali shows him standing naked with his body encircled by vines.

Badami Temple Cave 4: Jakkave

A pious Jain nun called Jakkave attained Moksh through Sallekhana.
She is seated next to Mahavir. It is carved into the right sidewall near the
entrance to the cave.

Note: Sallekhana is a religious practice in Jainism to reduce human passions by rigorously following certain vows.

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